How To Increase Employee Motivation With Inspirational Leadership

How To Increase Employee Motivation With Inspirational Leadership

Having an entire team of employees who are motivated, committed, and desire success dailyis a dream scenario. However, demanding or expecting perfection from team members is unrealistic.

Until AI takes every job on your team, it’s essential to remember that employees are human, and there are days when they will struggle with things like motivation.  Instead of complaining about it like most managers, consider it an opportunity.  Helping get the best out of people is why your leadership is so essential. Said differently, if everyone were motivated, we would need fewer leaders.

If everyone were motivated all the time, we would need fewer leaders.

Too many managers resist the responsibility of leadership. Stop looking for comfort as a leader and embrace what is difficult.

What is Motivation?

Often, the missing piece behind motivation is realizing it’s not a permanent resource. Zig Ziglar said,

"People often say motivation doesn't last. Neither does bathing—that's why we recommend it daily."

The simplest definition of motivation is a force that drives people to take action. It’s one of the forces behind human behavior, and it’s crucial to attaining goals.

Motivation comes from either an internal or external stimulus that prompts behavior.  Intrinsic motivation comes from within and is driven by personal satisfaction, interests, wants or needs, or inherent enjoyment in the task. Think of an athlete who loves playing the game or an author who loves writing. Extrinsic motivation, on the other hand, is fueled by you guessed it, external factors. Things such as rewards, recognition, or the avoidance of consequences.

Author Susan Fowler found that three psychological needs are mandatory for motivation:

  1. Choice – When people feel they are in control of what they are doing
  2. Connection – When people have a sense of purpose
  3. Competence – When people feel they are growing and progressing

Why Leaders Need to Care About Inspiration

Inspiration and motivation, while often used interchangeably from a leadership perspective, are similar but play different roles in influencing employee behavior and performance. Inspiration is the process of being mentally stimulated to do or feel something. It comes from the Latin word meaning “to breathe life into.” Inspiration often comes from an external source, like you.

During an Accelerate Leadership Workshop, I teach a critical principle:

Managers motivate, leaders inspire.

When leaders inspire, they ignite creativity, passion, or a sense of purpose in someone who wouldn’t have gotten there on their own or as quickly. After team members are inspired, they feel a surge of what I call the three E’s of Inspiration

  • Energy
  • Effort
  • Enthusiasm

The 3 E’s of Inspiration drives employees to pursue a goal or idea with vigor and passion.

How to Boost an Employee’s Motivation with Inspiration

Team members are inspired by something other than free lunch or just a consistent paycheck. If you are looking for ideas for how to be a more inspirational leader, you can download the guide to inspire employeesfor free or take a few cues from the list below:

  • Connect the Team to a Meaningful Cause –  It’s easy for people to get lost in the monotony of their everyday work without considering how their work impacts the people around them.
  • Paint a Vision of a Brighter Future Than Exists Today – Napoleon said, “A leader’s job is to define reality and deliver hope.” A vision provides hope.
  • Provide Recognition and Authentic Appreciation – People go where they are celebrated, not where they are tolerated.
  • Have a Direct Dialogue – “Confronting someone in the short term always beats resenting someone in the long term for things left unsaid”
  • Share Inspirational Stories – Stories stick, facts fade.
  • Use a Maximizing Mantra –  Part of your job is to create a culture filled with energy and a maximizing mantra can do that.


It’s easy to complain about team members who aren’t motivated.  Reject this temptation.  Instead, embrace the responsibility of leadership and look to inspire team members by testing different strategies over time because it won’t last.  Part of your job as a leader is to inspire daily.

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About the Author John Eades is the CEO of LearnLoft, and creator of the Accelerate Leadership Program. He was named one of LinkedIn’s Top Voices. John is also the author of Building the Best: 8 Proven Leadership Principles to Elevate Others to Success. You can follow him on Instagram @johngeades.

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