
Proven Attributes Of Leaders Who Have Transformed Their Heart And Mind

Many executives and managers have taken note of a leadership style called servant leadership that attracts followers, improves engagement, and enhances results. In an attempt to change their perception and behavior, they have adopted a vanilla and fake version of servant leadership that, at times, passes for the real thing.

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From Good To Great: How Recognition Inspires Performance And Engagement

Learn why recognition is the secret ingredient to inspiring and motivating your team, and why it should be part of your daily management strategy. In this blog post, we explore the difference between recognition and praise, the benefits of recognition, and ways to improve your recognition practices, such as making it personal, emphasizing small definite gains, and discussing the impact of your team members’ behavior. Discover how recognition can increase employee engagement, renew team members’ commitment to the cause, and lead to better overall performance.

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40 Proven Leadership Lessons at Age 40, I Want You to Know

Outside of a few more gray hairs (wisdom) and a little more weight, turning 40 hasn’t been bad at all. I have 40 proven leadership lessons captured from my past and present that it’s important to remember in the future. These lessons and principles have shaped who I am and what I am becoming.

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Why The Best Leaders Choose Humility Not Pride

Becoming a great leader depends on the depth of your humility.

There is something remarkable about humble leaders. It could be how they listen and make you feel heard. It could be how they communicate or how they model what you want to become.

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