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Why Your Dreams Are Possible With Relentless Drive



“Have purpose in everything that you do.”

In season 26 episode 3, we are joined by Aaron Golub. He was the first legally blind college football player.

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Close your right eye. Now as you look at these words through your left eye, bring your left thumb and pointer finger together to create a small circle about the size of a dime. If you were to add a blur that would barely allow you to see this screen, you would be approaching the eyesight, Aaron Golub has had his whole life.

Golub joined us me on the Follow My Lead podcast to discuss his amazing story of being the first legally blind player to play college football. Not only will his story inspire you but it will have you thinking about the 3P’s to achieve your dreams.

  1. Planning – Setting a clear goal and objective for your dreams is the only way to start
  2. Passion – Taking the initiative to act on your plan each day and being excited about it will fuel achievement
  3. Perseverance – Having the will to never give up and work harder than anyone else in the room is the only path to success.

Our Favorite Quotes From the Show

“If you have the drive, there is nothing you can’t accomplish if you want it bad enough.”

“If you aren’t consistent you aren’t going to see the results.”

“Anything is possible.”  

“If you are struggling to find a passion lock into helping other people.  You will be amazed at the light that comes from it.”

John Eades

“Don’t walk in a room and not be the hardest working person in the room.”

“Shifting your mindset to believe you can accomplish anything will help you break through any obstacle.”

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About the Author John Eades is the CEO of LearnLoft, a leadership development company making virtual training easy and effective. He was named one of LinkedIn’s Top Voices in Management & Workplace. John is also the author of Building the Best: 8 Proven Leadership Principles to Elevate Others to Success and host of the “Follow My Lead” Podcast, a show that transfers stories and best practices from today’s leaders to the leaders of tomorrow. He is currently scheduling virtual workshops and keynotes. You follow him on Instagram @johngeades.

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